Axis MF Quant Fund 728x90

Historical Dividends of PGIM India Hybrid Equity Fund - Dividend Option

Category Launch Date Benchmark TER AUM
Hybrid: Aggressive 29-01-2004 CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive Index 2.33%
As on (30-11-2024)
208.76 Cr
As on (31-10-2024)
Dividend Record Date Dividend ( / Unit) NAV () Dividend Yield (%)
22-03-2024 1.3738 15.74 8.73%
24-03-2023 1.1583 14.12 8.20%
25-03-2022 1.0500 14.89 7.05%
26-03-2021 0.2500 13.67 1.83%
31-12-2020 0.2320 13.59 1.71%
25-09-2020 0.2150 11.74 1.83%
30-06-2020 0.2150 11.16 1.93%
26-12-2019 0.2391 12.94 1.85%
27-09-2019 0.3010 12.74 2.36%
28-06-2019 0.3010 13.15 2.29%
25-03-2019 0.3010 13.11 2.30%
28-12-2018 0.3010 13.1 2.30%
28-09-2018 0.3010 13.69 2.20%
02-07-2018 0.3010 13.99 2.15%
23-03-2018 0.8380 14.56 5.76%
28-12-2017 0.3400 15.46 2.20%
28-09-2017 0.3400 14.95 2.27%
29-06-2017 0.2700 15.23 1.77%
24-03-2017 0.2800 15.12 1.85%
29-12-2016 0.3000 14.11 2.13%
29-09-2016 0.3000 14.99 2.00%
27-06-2016 0.2200 14.33 1.54%
23-12-2015 2.5000 14.13 17.69%
23-03-2015 6.2500 23.67 26.40%
18-03-2014 5.5000 22.2 24.77%
21-03-2013 5.0000 19.1 26.18%
10-02-2006 2.7500 13.22 20.80%
17-02-2005 1.0000 12.67 7.89%

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