Health Insurance Articles

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In 2015, about 90 million people had Cancer and 8.80 million deaths occurred due to this dreaded disease which is also the second leading cause of death globally. According to World Health Organization (WHO) nearly 10 Lakh new cases are...Read More

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Health insurance is very well established in most of the developed countries, but in India it is still in nascent stage. As per the last National Sample Survey (NSS), more than 80% of India’s population is not covered under any health insurance scheme...Read More

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Buying a mediclaim policy is par for the course for a responsible family oriented person in today’s times. But purchasing the right mediclaim can get confusing, especially with a lot of conflicting information doing the rounds. We present a few...Read More

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Though there is growing awareness about taking health and life insurance in India, an astonishingly high number of people still do not believe in taking insurance. Of these, some rely on their company-sponsored insurance policy. The others may decide to...Read More

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Parents hold a special place in almost all of our hearts. They gave birth to us, cared for us, raised us and provided with all the suitable, sometimes best, necessities and often sacrificed their dreams for our future. We respect our parents and try to take care of...Read More

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When one talks about medical or health insurance, many prospective policy takers believe that they are sufficiently covered by their organisation and / or by their children’s place of employment. However, with spiralling cost of healthcare, one has...Read More

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Health insurance is a critical need for senior citizens because health risks increase substantially with advancing age and the cost of quality healthcare in India has grown exponentially in the last decade. In India, it is quite common for senior citizens to be...Read More

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In 2015 we had looked at the best family floater Mediclaim Plans, based on Mediclaim ratings by Mint, the leading financial daily. Mint rates Mediclaim or health insurance plans based on a variety of parameters like premiums...Read More

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The healthcare cost inflation in India, based on some estimates, is in the range of 20 – 25%. A serious illness in the family can cause severe financial distress. Health or medical insurance is an essential need to safeguard our health and financial well...Read More

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In the first part of our series, Best Health Insurance Plans in 2015: Individual Mediclaim, we had looked at the best individual Mediclaim plans, based on the most recent Mint Mediclaim ratings. Mint the leading financial...Read More
