Priyanka Chakrabarty Articles

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A large majority of us feel retirement is for old age and that we need not be bothered by it. Well, it is partially true. Surely it is for old age, but if you do not take the right steps now, you might put your future in some danger. When it comes to...Read More

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When we talk about savings bank, we remember of an account when we were growing up and our parents helped us open one in the same bank where they maintained their account. All of us see our savings bank account as an account...Read More

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In 2015, about 90 million people had Cancer and 8.80 million deaths occurred due to this dreaded disease which is also the second leading cause of death globally. According to World Health Organization (WHO) nearly 10 Lakh new cases are...Read More

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Taking a home loan has become an essential part of buying a home in today’s straitened times. Real estate is prohibitively expensive in India, and most buyers have to take apply for a home loan to realise their house purchase dream...Read More

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Unlike the old days, in the modern times there are many an occasions when your teenager child may need to travel without the parents. Inter-school or inter-college competitions, trekking on the hills, education summits, youth conferences or simply...Read More

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The insurance plans which covers the life-risk of an individual is called life insurance. On the other hand, the insurance plan which covers any risk other than the life-risk of an individual is called general insurance...Read More

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Buying a home which you and your family can proudly call as your own is a life-time experience. It requires a lot of planning by family members about the exact necessities in a home and search for prospective homes and builders etc. Post these; you...Read More

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A term plan calculator is a specially designed tool that helps you calculate the required life cover in order to get a desired sum assured for you. This calculator, which helps you to calculate the exact premium for the desired life cover for you, is available on...Read More

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ULIP or Unit Linked Insurance Plans provides you the benefit of market-linked returns along with a life insurance cover into one product. ULIPs are a wealth-creating tool that fulfils your financial goals in the medium to long-term period. ULIP plans offers...Read More

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If you are looking to open a savings account which offers 7% savings account interest rates, zero ATM charges & 24x7 virtual assistance, then digiSavings account of Digibank, powered by DBS Bank Ltd is the answer...Read More
